Friday, December 25, 2009

Get Free IMVU Credits Code

Here's a way of getting Free IMVU Credits without giving away any of your account information. This is the best way to get your Free IMVU Credits currently, emailed directly to you. Many people are doing this, and it's safe and popular. Doing this, you will get a Free 10,000 IMVU Credits code. There are a lot of clothing in the IMVU store that are worth getting, it's a cool thing to be able to get them for free. So if you're interested, read on for the guide below.

To get started, you need to head to the rewards website and sign up for a new account. I suggest you make a new gmail account and sign up with that, so you can be more organized and the Free IMVU Credits will be sent to that email.

After you've signed up, head over to the offers section and then click free offers. These are surveys that you do that will give you points that you can use on the rewards website. These points can get you many things, and the thing of priority for this blog is Free IMVU Credits. You will need to get 9 points before you can get the code, so get started on doing offers.

When you have 9 points, go over to the rewards center, then to the online subsection. You should see a prepaid IMVU card there. Click request next to that, and you will get the Free IMVU Credits code sent to you by email. It's perfectly usable IMVU Credit as well, you can redeem it on the official website. So this is the best way, since you aren't giving away any of your account information at all, and your account won't be banned. This is legal and many people have done it.

After you've gotten your code, don't stop there, you can keep doing surveys and get even more Free IMVU Credits, so enjoy!